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transistor amplifier中文是什么意思

用"transistor amplifier"造句"transistor amplifier"怎么读"transistor amplifier" in a sentence


  • 晶体管放大器


  • Are you familiar with the performance of this type of transistor amplifier
  • Cascaded transistor amplifier
  • The transistor amplifiers , which are the building blocks from which op - amp integrated circuit are constructed , will be discussed
  • It is pointed out that there are some questions determining configuration of single transistor amplifier , the general method and common circuit are given
  • Based on the analysis of transistor amplifier noise model , we select devices with low noise in reason . and the method how to reduce phase noise and phase jitter is also discussed
  • Semiconductor , diodes , bipolar junction transistors , field - effect transistors , transistor amplifiers , frequency response , operational amplifiers , differential and multistage amplifiers , integrated circuits
  • Recent years , harris and mar in usa , philips in holland , thomson in france and toshiba , nec in japan have been doing efforts in researching and exploiting of new material and new kinds of transistor amplifier and have offered varieties of schemes
    近年来,美国的harris和mar 、荷兰的philips 、法国的thomson 、日本的toshiba和nec等公司都在不断地致力于新材料和新型晶体管放大器件的研制开发,并提供各种应用解决方案。
用"transistor amplifier"造句  
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